After years of trying to work with various “non” profit orgs,
Stay Frosty Enterprises launches new organization dedicated to Help Heal Our Vets!
What better month to begin than Post Traumatic Awareness month.
In the past our flagship site has made it a mandate to give back to the community in which we are involved. From the beginning we have worked with organizations such as Soldiers Angels, which helped us to provide shirts to units under 50 people. They subsidized $400 of each unit that was under this minimum allowing us to provide cutting-edge designs to groups that normally could not afford it. For almost 3 years Soldier Angels kept their commitment to help these unit get kick-ass shirts for their deployment or return. This was a very good experience and we were encouraged to cooperate with more orgs helping vets!
In addition we began working with veteran enterprises such as, an Army veteran podcast bringing news and headlines to the military veteran audience. In 2011, we raised enough funds to send 11 veterans to the “Rock for Vets” Benefit Concert in Long Beach, Ca sponsored by the Scottish Rite and the Disabled Veterans of America. Through this we came across Hoorah Radio and helped by donating a design so they could sell shirts and make revenue to keep the radio station broadcasting.
Next we began donating designs to orgs that were interested in providing shirts for their members to help raise funds for their causes. This was very successful and we still are offering this on We are proud to have contributed designs to organizations such as the Tin Can Sailors Association, Navy Seals Fund and the Green Beret Foundation.
Contact us if you are looking for a FREE design to help generate proceeds!
Since then we began reaching out to other orgs like IAVA, Operation Homefront, Purple Heart Foundation, Homes for the Troops, and No Vet left Behind. Many like Wounded Warrior Funds that seem to be only interested in making money.
Finally we had the opportunity to work closely with a US Navy Seal Chief with an alternative to pharmaceuticals for treatment of PTSD. We were honored to be on the board and officers to make sure that this extraordinary system would reach many and Help Heal Our Vets. After experiencing many Coordinating with the Long Beach Aquarium showcased this new org and introduced it to the public with a wonderful exhibition of US Navy Seals diving the aquarium and educating and interacting with the patrons.
This was a wonderful experience however shortly after we discovered like many other orgs that true intentions were only to bolster a few and in this case one individuals acting career rather than helping veterans received this treatment. It almost bankrupted our business trying to support this org. We were just a stepping stone. Lesson learned.
Feeling disillusioned and disappointing that another 501c3 intention was questionable we set out to develop our own organization without the grandiose agenda or trying to line the board member’s pockets, cut out the middle man and make a direct difference in a veterans life. With the help of our partnering sites we hope to generate proceeds from sales that we will be giving each month to individuals that can use the extra cash!
Participating Help Heal Our Vets Sites